Hi, I'm Mairo.
I specialise in helping women who have had one too many brutal and painful period support their cycle naturally so that they can feel comfortable with their bodies, reclaim their health and happiness and finally understand what is happening to them.

Book a free call to talk about your specific situation and discuss how I can best support you.
My Story
Sudden stabbing pain that comes out of nowhere, a headache that makes you nauseous or feeling like a it’s a marathon just trying to get out of bed are often considered “normal” menstrual symptoms.
The reality is that the body can be supported to work better.
My mission is to teach my clients how food and lifestyle changes can transform their cycle and improve their sense of wellbeing. Most of my adult life was spent trying to understand why I suffered so much during my periods. I used to miss school and work a lot and tried numerous medications and restrictive diets but nothing worked.
“Lots of women have a bit of cramping… it would all sort itself out after you have a child”
I had enough of a pain so excruciating I could barely walk or sit! The sad part is that I was not taken seriously when I talked about the pain I experienced. I was often told: “lots of women have a bit of cramping” or “it would all sort itself out after you have a child”. I was sure there was a way to support my cycle naturally but I didn’t know how. I knew I could achieve better health and I wanted to understand what was happening with my body so I enrolled at UK’s largest and leading training provider in natural therapies, The College of Naturopathic Medicine.
After over 3 years studying the human physiology, pathology, the power of food and plants and over 200 hours of clinical training I am now a qualified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.
I was able to change my diet and lifestyle to fix my period and now I no longer need to take ibuprofen round the clock for 2 whole days!!
When working with you my goal is to:
- get to the roots – Like a detective I investigate to understand the root cause of health concerns and target them with nutrition and lifestyle changes.
- teach – My aim is to educate you to understand what might be going on with your body and teach you knew ways of eating. Knowledge is power!
- research – I conduct extensive research to support all my recommendations and provide you with the latest available science.
- personalise your plan – Your plans are tailored to Your health, Your habits, Your lifestyle and more importantly Your taste!
Healthy nutrition doesn’t mean you must give up everything you love for a celery stick… I will make it delicious!
The more one knows, the more one will be able to control events.
Francis Bacon
I am fully trained and insured to practice in a clinical setting.
I am also registered with the professional body British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) and the accredited register the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC).